We are here to help you.

Fill out the form in as much detail as possible and please send explanatory screenshots. We will look into your case as soon as possible.

Lars Bo Koch, co-founder of Flows Systems, a company specialized in workflow automation and technology solutions.
Our commitment to qualified support

Flows strives to provide high standard support that meets and exceeds your expectations. To ensure satisfactory support and compliance with our response time targets, we ask all customers to follow the guidelines below.

Contact us in writing

To ensure effective communication and documentation of your inquiry, you must contact our support in writing. Phone calls are reserved for emergency support situations and will be billed.

Support via e-mail and contact form

If you need support, contact us by email at support@flows.systems or via our contact form. Please describe the problem or question in as much detail as possible to help us provide the best support.

Before contacting us, please try to find answers using the tools we provide.

Response time: We endeavor to answer all new inquiries within 1-3 working days.

Emergency support guidelines

Even in urgent situations, you must first contact us in writing. Contact with Flow's support should primarily be via e-mail or chat to ensure accurate answers and documentation of the case processing. Telephone support will be billable according to our applicable hourly rates. In the case of telephone contact, please refer to the previous case number or the e-mail address you have used for previous communication.

Prioritization of cases

All reported support cases are important and will be dealt with as soon as possible. We prioritize cases in the order they are received. Marking a case as "Urgent" does not automatically mean that it will be dealt with before other cases.

2. Line support

For more complex questions and problems that cannot be resolved by our first level of support (1st line), our second level of support (2nd line) will be involved. 2nd line support handles complex and technically in-depth issues that may require development or code debugging. Transfer to 2nd line support may result in longer response times, but we will strive to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Area of ​​responsibility

Our support team answers questions regarding integrations with various systems, including webshops, accounting, inventory and subscription systems, redemption platforms and file import in various formats. Flow's primary area of ​​responsibility also includes support for Make.com solutions, as we are proud Gold Partners with Make.com.

Your responsibility for system setup

As a customer, you are responsible for ensuring that your systems are correctly set up and ready for integration. This includes correctly recording necessary data such as item numbers in your systems. While we can help with integration-specific tasks, you are expected to be responsible for general system setup and maintenance.

Billable support

Our free support covers help with technical errors and user support. The following areas are considered billable support:

  • Adaptations and special development
  • Education and training
  • Consulting assistance
  • Greater troubleshooting
  • Customizable Solutions
    Definition of customized solutions

    A solution is considered to be a “customized solution” if changes or additions have been made in any of the following areas:

  • Business logic: Any change in the basic logic that controls your company's processes in our system.
  • Mapping: Customization of data fields to match specific needs in your systems.
  • Integrations: Any customization or development of integrations between our system and third party systems.
  • Custom Features: Features designed specifically to meet your unique business requirements.

    To learn more about our billable support services, contact us at support@flows.systems.

    Flow's Support Team